Port Manager

Manage ports from your menu bar.

Find, open and kill ports in a couple of clicks — so you can go back to writing code.

Get Port Manager for macOS
Works with macOS Sierra (10.12 ) and above.

View all of your ports in one place.

Open ports in your browser.

Copy and share network URLs.

Free up ports in a couple of clicks.

If you’re a developer, this story will sound familiar.

9.02 a.m.

You fire up a project and are interrupted by an obnoxious EADDRINUSE message.

9.04 a.m.

How do I kill a process on mac?

Frustrated, you do some Googling and find a series of commands on StackOverflow.

9.06 a.m.

You fumble around in terminal with some unfamiliar commands until you manage to kill the process.

2 days later...

You get another EADDRINUSE message. You open Google and type How do I kill a process on mac?.

Managing ports was mildly irritating.

It’s now as simple as:

Get Port Manager for macOS
Works with macOS Sierra (10.12 ) and above.